Our mission is to help people without digital backgrounds feel empowered and restore their privacy.

The number one problem with all social messaging apps is their need for a mobile number to use the app. Unwittingly and seemingly without much alternative, we share our mobile numbers often freely, without concern for our privacy.

With practically every fragment of our lives now available online, the need to be responsible with our digital footprint is increasingly critical to our personal security. Simvacy's ongoing mission is to help people regain control of their mobile identity. Everything about Simvacy was designed and built with security in mind.

Clear of influence 

We are a bootstrapped team; driven by our mission to help people without digital backgrounds strengthen and sustain their privacy in an ever-shifting landscape.

Tried and tested 

Our numbers and servers are encrypted and tested regularly by independent auditors. Simvacy performs penetration tests and engages independent third-party entities.

Your data is yours

No offence, but we're not interested in you. We only ask for an email address for service updates, and you can also pay in crypto. Oh, and just to mention, we can't read your messages or listen to your calls.